Like most, I’m eager to welcome in the new year and challenge myself with projects put off far too long.  Through my elation, I’m also aware of those who’ve fallen by the wayside too soon.  I think about celebrities like Whitney Houston, the children from Newtown, and the stifled creative souls of those giving up as I type these words.

I must admit, years earlier, my resolutions reflected a gamut of endeavors such as combatting procrastination, exercising and reading more books.  Now, I find ways to honor my writing.  I eavesdrop on conversations in the waiting room at the dentist office, hoping for a nugget to make inclusive in my next literary work.

Oftentimes, I’m awakened in the middle of the night by a dream, then, I begin to jot down ideas. This is something I welcome with opened arms! I’m obsessed with writing.  Every movie I see and book I read, affords me the opportunity to get my juices going.

I’m aware that writing is a gift that I will not be sidetracked from. I delve into projects with the same dynamism as any other profession that impacts the world.

Words can make a difference; they can change the mindset of many and move a nation toward democracy. It’s my duty as an author, to honor my love for writing. I think about all those who’ve shared their gifts and left an imprint on the world, and I think to myself: I'll do it too.


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