Nothing can surpass the feeling of being on your A-game
when you meet the public and/or an agent. Yet, the opposite is true when you miss
the mark. There are surefire steps to
help authors’ first impression remain a lasting and positive one.
Create a polished
Use a 1-inch margin, all around, and a font that is 12
points. The style, Times Roman is a good one to use. Double-space, please. If you print out your manuscript, your paper size
should be 8.5x11. Make sure the quality of the paper is good and the color is plain
white with no patterns.
Sending your work
to the editor.
Confirm you have the up-to-date listing of the staff
members. By all means, have the correct spelling
of the person’s name you’re sending your manuscript to!
Your polished
You can make all the right moves towards marketing your book;
however, a less than stellar manuscript can destroy your efforts. Write your
Dress for Success.
When you are making public appearances, you want to feel
your best. This can be achieved by
dressing comfortably, yet, in a manner that states you are professional.
Connecting with
your readers.
You are the product just as much as the books you’re trying
to sell. Don’t be afraid to shake hands
and stand during book events. A simple “hello”
and a smile can win someone over, thus, resulting in a book purchase.
What first impression tidbits do you recommend?