Have you ever been outraged or moved to tears on the heels of reading a book? You reach for the tissue after a heartfelt love story and wish that the book hadn’t ended. Yet, this is likely deliberate by the author.


1)      Readers may bring on the waterworks. Booklovers enjoy feeling emotion from literary works. Readers love it when the heroine finds love, the good guy gains courage and defeats his archenemy.

2)      Your writing angers the reader. This can be a good thing when the reader clings to every page, waiting for the protagonist to gain control and defeat the bad guys.

3)      Your words may cause changes within the reader. Readers make declarations based on works they’ve been deeply moved by, like starting a nonprofit. Never underestimate the power of words.

4)      Readers are compelled to talk about your book. Most good things have been shared via word of mouth. Great books are no different.

5)      Strong writing adds flair to your work. Readers are apt to be more engaged with gripping passages.

6)      You, the author, reveal a little about yourself with deep writing. It’s a fact that authors are aware of, but sometimes revelations blind sight the creator when others expose an undeniable truth.


How does your writing affect readers?



Courtney said…
I'd love to know more on this topic - how do you elicit those feelings? Thanks!

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