Anyone who says writing a book is easy doesn’t know much about the industry. The process of writing, with all the hours invested in typing, research, rewrites, and revisions, not to mention the daunting task of the markets and rejections; it’s enough to send you down quits Ville.

Landing a solid reading audience is what every writer desires. To have life breathed into the pages you’ve labored over is, let’s face it, the ultimate goal. But remaining encouraged in the face of disappointment is tiring.

It is up to you to define your talent and worth.  Don’t leave it in the hands of someone who refuses to see your journey. Sidestep situations that pull you away from your love of writing.

Learn to Relax. You chose this profession for the love of writing.  Keep that in mind. Avoid pressuring yourself to produce the next bestseller. Write what you feel.

Step away for a break. Know when to back away, especially when a phrase isn’t quite working.  Take a deep breath and walk to a calm place.  Thoughts generally come to an unobstructed mind.

Choose the right environment to write. If you can pump out several pages at Kopplin’s Coffee, opposed to writing off the shores of the Lanikai Beach, then by all means, honor your preference. Some authors play music according to the theme or time period of their work. Do what’s right for you.

Lighten the mood. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, running on the same level of robustness. Sometimes embracing laughter frees your mind and negates unwanted energy.


Talk with fellow authors. Your problems are monumental when you feel no one else understands what you’re going through. A chat with other authors can be enlightening. You may find they’ve undergone similar circumstances.


Focus on your writing goals. Countering the negative opinions of others is crucial in this business. Stay on track by honing your craft and all that comes with it. Nothing else is needed.


Keep your fingers moving. No matter what problems crop up, keep writing. Life happens. Don’t allow it to stifle your career.


Fear listening to fear. Too many hours have gone into your work to start backing down because of anxiety.  At your own pace, continue moving forward.


How do you beat the writing blues?







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