Most fledgling authors are cognizant of the costs of book publishing, not to mention the bucks dished out prior to seeing it in print. While this article shows how to save money on having professional edits to your manuscript, it does not mean you should avoid paying for the service altogether. Paying for professional editing services should be a welcomed investment on the part of the author. Here are a few tips toward saving pennies while having your book edited:

1)      Members of your critique group.

Unless you have a close rapport with members in your group, they may be unwilling to read your manuscript in whole. Not to worry because the group, by design, critiques your work in smaller portions.

2)      An English professor.

Talk to an old English teacher for his or her input on your manuscript.  What better person to point out grammar snafus. 


3)      Free online grammar checker/proofreader.

I recommend Paper Rater: http://www.paperrater.com/ and Grammarly proofreader, http://www.grammarly.com/?q=proofreading.  Both of these sites help point out writing flaws and can assist you in moving your sentences and paragraphs in the most comprehensive direction.


4)      A writing buddy.

Finding another author to “swap” manuscripts is beneficial because they learn your writing style, which offers up tailored feedback.  This is a win/win situation because both parties have the same interest.


5)      You the author.

As an author, you learn that the business of writing includes many revisions. Karen Cioffi, author of “Editing A Book – 10 Tips Checklist,” (http://ezinearticles.com/?Editing-a-Book---10-Tips-Checklist-for-Childrens-Writers&id=6568046) states the importance of watching for consistency in your story.  She adds, “The story also needs to provide conflict and action . . .”

Finding an inexpensive way to edit your book doesn’t mean skimping on quality.  You should think of your book as an investment, after all, you can’t expect others to spend money on it if you aren’t willing to do the same. Fiction Editor Beth Hill (http://theeditorsblog.net/2011/02/01/duties-of-an-editor-how-editors-help-writers/) tells writers that substantive editors not only check for spelling and grammar, but they check plot, characterization, dialogue and the overall effectiveness of your manuscript.

What editing choices have you made?


Courtney Madden said…
Great ideas! Thanks, Pam!

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